Limelight OS features a REST/HTTP server running at (ipaddress):5807
LimelightLib Python is an open-source library that utilizes the Limelight HTTP/REST API.
Note: e.g. http://(limelight-ip-address):5807/results
Method | Route | Description |
GET | /results | Retrieve full JSON dump of current targeting results |
GET | /status | Retrieve JSON status object with temperature, fps, device name, pipeline index, cpu usage, ram usage |
GET | /hwreport | Returns a JSON array of full hardware reports. A hardware report contains human-readable info such as FOV, principal offset, etc. |
Pipeline Management
Method | Route | Description |
GET | /pipeline-default | Get default pipeline (JSON) |
GET | /pipeline-atindex | Get pipeline[n] from the camera (JSON). Loads pipeline from disk. Include an 'index' url parameter in the request. |
POST | /pipeline-switch | Switch to a different pipeline. Include an 'index' url parameter in the request. |
POST | /reload-pipeline | Force the camera to reload the current pipeline and all pipeline resources |
POST | /update-pipeline | Accepts JSON with one or more settings updates. Set url parameter "flush" to 1 to save these settings to disk. |
POST | /upload-pipeline | Upload a pipeline. Send JSON data in the request body. Optionally include an 'index' parameter. Overwrites pipeline on disk |
Camera Management
Method | Route | Description |
POST | /set-imumode | Set IMU Mode (JSON) |
POST | /set-throttle | Set number of frames to skip between processed frames for thermal management |
POST | /set-imuassistalpha | Set IMU Assist Mode complementary filter alpha (default 0.001) |
Resource Management
Method | Route | Description |
POST | /upload-fieldmap | Upload a field map. Send JSON data in the request body. Optionally include an 'index' parameter. |
POST | /upload-python | Upload Python code. Send the code as plain text in the request body. Optionally include an 'index' parameter. |
POST | /upload-nn | Upload a neural network. Include a 'type' parameter ("detector" or "classifier"), the file contents in the request body, and optionally include an 'index' parameter. |
POST | /upload-nnlabels | Upload neural network labels. Include a 'type' parameter ("detector" or "classifier"), the file in the request body, and optionally include an 'index' parameter. |
GET | /getsnapscriptnames | List of snapscriptpro names |
Python and Robot Orientation
Method | Route | Description |
POST | /update-pythoninputs | Update Python inputs for SnapScript pipelines. Send JSON data (array) in the request body. |
POST | /update-robotorientation | Update robot orientation. Send JSON data (array) in the request body. EG "[45,0,0,0,0,0]. Use of this method disables NetworkTables-based orientation updates until restart/reboot |
Method | Route | Description |
GET | /cal-default | Returns default calibration result |
GET | /cal-file | Returns custom calibration result (file system) |
GET | /cal-eeprom | Returns custom calibration result (eeprom) |
GET | /cal-latest | Returns latest custom calibration result. This result is not used unless it is saved to the file system or the eeprom |
POST | /cal-eeprom | Update the eeprom calibration result. Send calibration data in the request body. |
POST | /cal-file | Update the filesystem calibration result. Send calibration data in the request body. |
DELETE | /cal-latest | Delete latest calibration result |
DELETE | /cal-eeprom | Delete eeprom calibration result |
DELETE | /cal-file | Delete filesystem calibration result |
Method | Route | Description |
POST | /capture-snapshot | Capture a snapshot. Include a 'snapname' url parameter to name the snapshot. |
POST | /upload-snapshot | Upload a named snapshot. Include a 'snapname' url parameter and an image file in the request body. |
GET | /snapshotmanifest | Returns a list of snapshot file names |
DELETE | /delete-snapshots | Deletes all snapshots |
DELETE | /delete-snapshot | Delete a specific snapshot. Include a 'snapname' parameter in the request. |