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Decoding and Tracking Barcodes

LLOS supports QR Code, DataMatrix, UPC, EAN, Code128, and PDF417 code tracking and decoding

With the LL3 Series of Smart Cameras, you can expect:

  • 50-60FPS Multi QR Code Detection and Decoding at 1280x800
  • 50-60FPS Multi DataMatrix Detection and Decoding at 1280x800
  • 30FPS Multi UPC, EAN, Code128, and PDF417 decoding at 1280x800

Keep the following in mind:

  • Barcode data strings are posted to the "rawbarcodes" nt array.
  • Barcode data is also posted to the "Barcode" array in the JSON Results output.
  • The Barcodes pipeline will populate all 2D metrics such as tx, ty, ta, tcornxy, etc across all APIs