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Tracking AprilTags

AprilTags are tracked using the "tx", "ty", and "ta" values in NetworkTables, just like standard retroreflective targets! No code changes are required to upgrade a retroreflective tracking robot to apriltags. "botpose" and "campose" may also be used for field-space and target-space 3D tracking.

For more advanced usage with multiple tags, the JSON results dump may be used.

Quick Start for FRC AprilTags

  • Input Tab - Change "Pipeline Type" to "Fiducial Markers"

  • Input Tab - Use the highest available resolution for 3D tracking, or use 640x480 for pure 2D tracking.

  • Standard Tab - Make sure "family" is set to "AprilTag Classic 36h11"

  • Input Tab - Set "Black Level" to zero

  • Input Tab - Set "Gain" to 15

  • Input Tab - Reduce exposure to reduce tracking loss while in motion due to motion blur. Stop reducing once tracking reliability decreases. You may need to increase exposure at dimly-lit events.

  • Standard Tab - If would like to increase your framerate, increase the "Detector Downscale"

  • If you want to use 3D tracking and 2D tx/ty tracking simultaneously, set the priority Tag ID over networktables to configure the preferred tag for 2D tracking.

  • Click the "Gear" Icon, and make sure your team number is set and that a static IP is configured.

  • Click "Change Team Number" and "Change IP Settings" if you changed their corresponding settings. Powercycle your robot.

  • You're done! Use "tx" and "ty" from networktables. Copy the code sample on the "getting started" page.


For ideal tracking, consider the following:

  • Your tags should be as flat as possible.
  • Your Limelight should be mounted above or below tag height and angled up/down such that the target is centered. Your target should look as trapezoidal as possible from your camera's perspective. You don't want your camera to ever be completely "head-on" with a tag if you want to avoid tag flipping.

There is an interplay between the following variables for AprilTag Tracking:

  • Increasing capture resolution will always increase 3D accuracy and increase 3d stability. This will also reduce the rate of ambiguity flipping from most perspectives. It will usually increase range. This will reduce pipeline framerate.
  • Increasing detector downscale will always increase pipeline framerate. It will decrease effective range, but in some cases this may be negligible. It will not affect 3D accuracy, 3D stability, or decoding accuracy.
  • Reducing exposure will always improve motion-blur resilience. This is actually really easy to observe. This may reduce range.
  • Reducing the brightness and contrast of the image will generally improve pipeline framerate and reduce range.
  • Increasing Sensor gain allows you to increase brightness without increasing exposure. It may reduce 3D stability, and it may reduce tracking stability.

Input Tab

The Input Tab hosts controls to change the raw camera image before it is passed through the processing pipeline. See the "Building a retroreflective/color pipeline" page for more details.

To track AprilTags:

  • Change "Pipeline Type" to "Fiducial Markers"
  • Set "Black Level" to zero

At this point, it is a matter of balancing sensor gain and exposure time. You want to be able to see the tags with the smallest exposure possible to minimize motion blur. This usually calls for a high sensor gain setting. For simple 2D tracking, it is often advisable to max-out your sensor gain, and then increase your exposure from zero until targets are sufficiently tracked. Make sure the correct family is selected in the "Standard" tab if tracking isn't working.

Standard Tab


Selects the fiducial/AprilTag family type. For FRC, you should selection "AprilTag Classic 36h11"

Marker Size

Sets the expected size of the tags your robot will encounter in mm. For FRC, this should be set to 165.1 (152.4 for 2023 tags)

Detector Downscale

Increasing this number will result in significant performance boosts. This this will sometimes result in reduced range, but the cost is usually minimal.

ID Filters

ID Filters allow you specify exactly which tags you care about. For most FRC teams, each pipeline should be configured to track exactly one tag ID. This is a comma-separated list of numbers (eg. "0,1"). This feature is important for eliminating the vast majority of false-positives.


Cropping removes content from the image for huge performance boosts. Use the NT "crop" key to crop dynamically during matches

Multi-Target Sorting and Grouping

This allows for the exact grouping functionality seen in standard retroreflective pipelines. In most games, the only feature to modify is the "Area" filter, which will allow you to filter-out small tags.