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Aiming and Ranging With Swerve

See the full example project here

 // simple proportional turning control with Limelight.
// "proportional control" is a control algorithm in which the output is proportional to the error.
// in this case, we are going to return an angular velocity that is proportional to the
// "tx" value from the Limelight.
double limelight_aim_proportional()
// kP (constant of proportionality)
// this is a hand-tuned number that determines the aggressiveness of our proportional control loop
// if it is too high, the robot will oscillate around.
// if it is too low, the robot will never reach its target
// if the robot never turns in the correct direction, kP should be inverted.
double kP = .035;

// tx ranges from (-hfov/2) to (hfov/2) in degrees. If your target is on the rightmost edge of
// your limelight 3 feed, tx should return roughly 31 degrees.
double targetingAngularVelocity = LimelightHelpers.getTX("limelight") * kP;

// convert to radians per second for our drive method
targetingAngularVelocity *= Drivetrain.kMaxAngularSpeed;

//invert since tx is positive when the target is to the right of the crosshair
targetingAngularVelocity *= -1.0;

return targetingAngularVelocity;

// simple proportional ranging control with Limelight's "ty" value
// this works best if your Limelight's mount height and target mount height are different.
// if your limelight and target are mounted at the same or similar heights, use "ta" (area) for target ranging rather than "ty"
double limelight_range_proportional()
double kP = .1;
double targetingForwardSpeed = LimelightHelpers.getTY("limelight") * kP;
targetingForwardSpeed *= Drivetrain.kMaxSpeed;
targetingForwardSpeed *= -1.0;
return targetingForwardSpeed;

private void drive(boolean fieldRelative) {
// Get the x speed. We are inverting this because Xbox controllers return
// negative values when we push forward.
var xSpeed =
-m_xspeedLimiter.calculate(MathUtil.applyDeadband(m_controller.getLeftY(), 0.02))
* Drivetrain.kMaxSpeed;

// Get the y speed or sideways/strafe speed. We are inverting this because
// we want a positive value when we pull to the left. Xbox controllers
// return positive values when you pull to the right by default.
var ySpeed =
-m_yspeedLimiter.calculate(MathUtil.applyDeadband(m_controller.getLeftX(), 0.02))
* Drivetrain.kMaxSpeed;

// Get the rate of angular rotation. We are inverting this because we want a
// positive value when we pull to the left (remember, CCW is positive in
// mathematics). Xbox controllers return positive values when you pull to
// the right by default.
var rot =
-m_rotLimiter.calculate(MathUtil.applyDeadband(m_controller.getRightX(), 0.02))
* Drivetrain.kMaxAngularSpeed;

// while the A-button is pressed, overwrite some of the driving values with the output of our limelight methods
final var rot_limelight = limelight_aim_proportional();
rot = rot_limelight;

final var forward_limelight = limelight_range_proportional();
xSpeed = forward_limelight;

//while using Limelight, turn off field-relative driving.
fieldRelative = false;
}, ySpeed, rot, fieldRelative, getPeriod());